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Roles and Communication Between Players


Ethics, Equipment and Conduct

Introduction to Sliding

Balance – Part 1

Balance – Part 2

Delivery – Three Step Technique

Delivery – Five Step Technique

Grip, Rotation and Release of a Rock

Position of the Rock for a Three or Five Step Delivery

Delivery with a Stick


Sweepers’ Roles and Responsibilities


Roles and Communication Between Players

Sliding – Traps to Avoid

Turn and Release of the Stone – Traps to Avoid

Different Shots and Signals



Strategies – Continued

Players’ Roles

All members of a curling team have an important role to play. That’s the beauty of this sport.

Players shall act in a manner so as to successfully deliver the requested shots but also to make sure the game is played quickly according to the rules of curling.

Roles for Players on the Delivering Team

  • The delivering player shall quickly get ready to execute the delivery and comply with the skip’s instructions.
  • Sweepers must understand the skip’s instructions, and their responsibility is to judge the speed of the stone. They must be able to sweep the rock if they estimate its speed is insufficient, even though the skip may not ask for it.
  • The skip determines the strategy and requests shots accordingly. The skip shall judge the line of delivery and request sweeping if needed. The skip shall quickly react to establish a plan B if the shot requested might not be made.

Roles for Players on the Non-delivering Team

  • All players on the non-delivering team should observe the opponent’s shot to store important information: ice speed, line of delivery, etc.
  • The skip shall pay attention to the rock’s course and be prepared to sweep if needed.
  • The next delivering player shall quickly prepare to do so in order to speed up play.
  • Sweepers may time the opponent’s rock to enhance their knowledge of judging weight.

General Roles for Players

  • Once an end is played, players shall quickly set up the rocks appropriately and the team delivering the first rock of the next end shall quickly get ready.
  • The score of an end is determined by each team’s vice-skip. A measure may be used in case of doubt.
  • Players are responsible for the smooth execution of a curling match. As such, it is important for a player having violated a rule to declare it. Healthy relations are always a priority and players should always act with respect for their opponent.

Players’ Skills

Depending on their order of delivery, players have roles requiring specific skills.

We’re assuming here that the skip is the fourth player and the vice-skip is third.


The lead’s role is crucial to the development of the end’s strategy. The success or failure of the lead’s delivery will typically influence the style of the end (defensive or offensive).

Required Qualities:

  • Precision and good weight control
  • Good sweeper


In addition to the lead’s qualities, the second should be able to regularly perform take-outs.


In addition to the qualities of the lead and second, the third is often the player who sets the scene for the skip. This player is able to perform all types of shots, sometimes in more difficult conditions than those of the first two players.

The third is also usually the player who replaces the skip in the house when it is time for the skip to deliver rocks. The third then shall be able to effectively read the ice.


The fourth player, often the skip, shall display the third’s qualities as well as being a skillful strategist.
The fourth shall be able to make decisions with respect to the chosen strategy and adapt to all unexpected situations during the game.

Communication Between Players

Communication between a team’s players is vital to curling. All members of a team have an important role to play, and effective communication will facilitate decision-making and performing shots.

New Team

Especially with a newly formed team, it is important for members to meet and discuss their strengths and weaknesses as well as their expectations within the team and with respect to the game of curling.

More experienced players can provide advice assisting with their teammates’ development.

Before the Game

Team members may wish to discuss different aspects of the game they are about to play.

  • General strategy during the game
  • Strengths and weaknesses of the opposing team
  • Ice conditions

During the Game

Before Delivery

The skip communicates orally and with the help of signals, gives instructions pertaining to the required delivery.
It is essential for the delivering player and the sweepers to make sure they understand these instructions. If needed, they will validate among themselves and with the skip their comprehension of the required shot.

The delivering player and the sweepers will benefit from discussing the speed of the ice, particularly for draws.

During Delivery

Once the stone is moving, constant communication should take place between the sweepers and the skip.

The sweepers will be responsible for judging the weight of the stone and will regularly communicate their estimation to the skip. Various codes exist to describe the weight of the stone.

The skip is responsible for judging the stone’s course and should regularly inform the sweepers of that course and their need to sweep or not.

At any time, if a player identifies an alternative shot to the one requested, the player shall tell the skip who will then decide to change the strategy or not.

At Any Time During the Game

It is important for team members to communicate all through the game to assess its progress and the strategy to choose thereafter.

Members of the non-delivering team should always observe the opponents’ shots and share their impressions with respect to the ice (speed and curl).

After the Game

Once the game has ended, a curling team will generally share feedback on the game. The game’s good and bad shots are discussed. New ways of improving can be identified for the next games.

Upcoming Events

  • Mar
    Tournoi à la perche
    02:00 PM
  • Apr
    Tournoi Invitation Junior
    10:30 AM

League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.


Contact Info

1 Montée du Panorama
Chelsea, QC
J9B 1K9

EMail: [email protected]

Phone: (819) 866-3031

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